Sapphire Technique

Sapphire Technique
It is a technique that witnessed its first appearance and after trying to develop and use many techniques in the field of hair transplantation, and this technique was a qualitative leap for hair transplantation operations in Turkey and an improved version of the FUE technique with higher effectiveness in some cases determined by the doctor due to the ease with which it enjoys. The name of the technology is related to it, as it was given this name because of the use of the ambassador pen, which contains the sapphire stone, a gemstone similar to the sapphire stone in its external structure.


– Hair transplant with Sapphire technology is not a new technology but rather an innovation that highlights the FUE method using blades made of gem stones called Saphir.

During a traditional FUE hair transplant, the follicles are extracted from the donor area one by one using a small hole with a diameter of 0.6 – 0.7 – 0.8 mm.

During follicle extraction, the follicles are implanted into the incisions that were previously created. These incisions play a big role in the angle, direction and thickness of the hair, making the hair look natural and successful.


The most important advantages of hair transplantation with the Ambassador technique:

The hair transplantation process depends on the Ambassador technique because of its advantages over other techniques, and we can summarize the most important of these features as follows:

– This technique allows the cultivation of the largest number of grafts compared to other advanced techniques, as it is possible to implant about 7000 grafts per session.
-Aad Stone Ambassador Sapphire is an important factor in wound healing and the preservation of tissue from being damaged, and thus symmetry to heal faster as it does not occur any complications in the scalp.
– Sapphire hair transplantation takes less time than the same process with other techniques, taking into account the similarity of the patient’s circumstances and condition.
The Sapphire technology gives the patient a more natural looking hair.